The best all-in power price with significant environmental benefits.

We offer on the best solutions for customer energy needs.

We provide tailored solutions addressing location, timelines, emissions goals, congestion challenges, and growing T&D costs.

Industrial Sun Solar Advantages
Over Traditional VPPAs


Considerations Grid Power Virtual PPA Industrial
Sun Solar
Project located off-site icon-yes.png icon-yes.png icon-yes.png
Buyer avoids basis risk (hub to load zone) icon-yes.png icon-no.png icon-yes.png
Provides RECs (Scope 1/2 emissions reductions) icon-no.png icon-yes.png icon-yes.png
Reduces demand charges and cost adders icon-no.png icon-no.png icon-yes.png
Reduces Scope 3 (supply chain) emissions icon-no.png icon-no.png icon-yes.png


Projects under development

2.5+ GW



Acres under lease

Our solution

Industrial Sun Solutions Infographic

Contract Structure

Project Design

Our projects

Industrial Sun’s initial development activities are focused in the ERCOT market

Industrial Sun’s elite team of industry veterans  have supported more than 7.5 GW of power-contracting and/or the development of renewable power projects in operation or under construction, technology that meets our customers’ goals.


You can see a selection of projects on the map on the right

Projects on map

Get in touch

Get in touch to learn how we can help meet your alternative energy goals or if you’re interested in partnering on a solar project where you own the land.

Industrial Sun Industrial Sun, a Modern Energy® company